Dating A Wealthy Man

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Of course, dating a wealthy man means having a stable future. This is definitely one of the most important factors when it comes to securing a future. Every single woman today wants a man that can support the family when the time comes. How to Date a Wealthy Man and Not Come Across as a Gold Digger. Single rich men are the stuff of many female fantasies.

Whether you are dating rich man for the first time or have a rich experience of dating a millionaire, this article is worthy of your understanding. Of course, rich men or millionaires have far more wealth and resources than you, so from a certain perspective, they can easily create a date that makes you happy and satisfied. So the question is what can you do? Can you plan a perfect date for your the man of your dreams? You are a good girl who has not yet achieve financial freedom and still needs to pay monthly rent, property management fees and credit card bills. And you must know that a date that makes your rich man impress you is the biggest purpose of the date. You might say you have a lot of options, in fact, a lot of times, you have a lot of choice means no choice. To help you out, here is a list of date ideas and places that your millionaire man will love.

Tips: Click to Meet Rich Men

  • Take Him on A Tour of Your Childhood Neighbourhood, Tell Him About Your Past
  • If a man really loves you, no matter if the man is rich or poor, he is very willing to understand your past and your growth process, and understand you and love you better after understanding these. And you are willing to take your wealthy Prince Charming to your hometown where you grew up. It is a way for a man to feel that you already trust him and rely on him. This does not require much expense and is meaningful. You can take him to the kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school that you attended. You can also take him to the house in your hometown and to the neighbors that you know very well. (Please note that taking him to meet the neighbors that you once knew very well will make him feel that you regard him as an important person in your heart.)

  • Take a Little Weekend Trip - Planed it By Yourself
  • A date shows him that you are not only beautiful, but adventurous and spontaneous as well. You need to plan a date that he finds very interesting, such as taking him on a picnic on the weekend, which is a carefree and refreshing environment for both parties. Imagine you and him eating the food you have prepared for him while talking about the topics of mutual interest, wouldn't it be nice? Because rich men are not interested in fancy hotels and restaurants, because their wealth makes them tired of these places. People look forward to going to the best places when they are often poor, but when they are already rich they think back to simpler times.

  • Invite Him for A Bike on Ride
  • Millionaires often have no time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, for the simple reason that rich men have to hire drivers to drive them in their Mercedes, BMW or Rolls-Royce to deal with their busy business and social engagement. So inviting him to take a bike ride with you on a beach road or country road is something he'll be interested in. Or you could take him to a restaurant that's not that fancy but has a little bit of flavor, choose a window seat and a well-lit table, and recommend a few dishes that you think he'll like. With this ambiance and delicious food, you and your date can talk about your dreams and plans for the future, and both of you are likely to hit it off. More dating opportunities will be soon without a doubt.

  • Go to A City You Both Want to Go
  • Why go to a city you've never been to? Because this will be the beginning of a new memory between you and your date. This memory only belongs to you and your rich man and this is your world with him. When you arrive in a city you've never been to before, there are plenty of adventures and lots of meaningful things you and your millionaire can do. You need to choose your destination, and then plan your trip. You and your millionaire will eat togther, watch a movie, and go to a concert in this strange city. Here's a special tip: you can rent out a movie theatre. This is the perfect opportunity to snuggle up to your man without anyone else around and get the privacy you need.Even if there wasn't much conversation, because this is in a strange place, you and he are each other's only psychological support.

  • Take Him to Your House
  • I think an adult understands what it means when a member of the opposite sex is willing to take you to her place. Because home is a very private place, it's impossible to bring someone home without a certain level of relationship, especially a friend of the opposite sex.Of course, before you bring him to your home, you need to do some thorough preparation.For example, clean your house well in advance, preferably with a sense of warmth and uniqueness, or even a little temptation.You can prepare a nice bottle of red wine or a chilled sparkling wine so you can enjoy the intimate experience of being with him while listening to music and drinking a little wine.I can't say more about the rest, you can feel it for yourself.

  • In A Word
  • Overall, whether you're looking for a rich man or a millionaire, you need to be kind to yourself, enrich yourself, read more and expand your horizons. Because we always believe that when you become good, you are qualified to find the right person. And when you become more intellectual and attractive, you will have confidence in yourself and you won't have to worry about your future. God helps those who help themselves, smart girls, let us encourage each other in our endeavours.

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Dating A Wealthy Man

Who wouldn’t want to date a man who has the capacity to provide the luxurious life that every woman seeks? From expensive clothes to the most exquisite jewelry, if you are a woman who dreams big, and one of your big dreams is to be with a wealthy guy, then here is some essential advice to date a rich man, and to keep him enamored forever, hopefully!

Here’s a Good News …

Dreaming Of Dating A Wealthy Man

A survey done by MillionaireMatch, a dating site for millionaires, states that 79.6 percent millionaire men seek out non-millionaire women! The reason behind this is that these men need a partner they can take care of, said the representative of this website, Darren Shuster.

Well, this survey must have raised the hopes of many―let’s say, not-so-rich spinsters―out there who wish to be with a rich millionaire bachelor, isn’t it? Before you start flying on cloud 9, let’s put forth some not-so-good facts before you all. To begin with, rich men are not as easily accessible as other men. And apart from that, there are also different kinds of wealthy men out there.

Yes, men with money are generally of two kinds:
1) Who have inherited the richness from their ancestors.
2) Who are self-made and have worked hard to reach this status. Though it’s not an established rule, but it has been observed that, the men who belong to the second category aren’t the kind who will spend on their date carelessly. We mean, don’t be surprised if he asks you to leave a tip at the restaurant because he left his wallet in his car! Yes, some men, no matter how many billions of dollars they own, can be stingy, greedy, and mean. That being said, another facet to this dating game is that these high-end men have a radar for ‘gold diggers’. So, if your intentions are purely monetary, we would suggest you to be cautious. They might date you, spend some good time with you, and leave you as soon as they are bored―simply put! The dating advice mentioned in the following section is more about dating these men beyond the monetary benefits, that is, to have a meaningful bond with them.

How to Find and Date a Rich Man

Before you begin date hunting, there are certain things you need to keep in mind. For starters, be clear as to why you want to be with an affluent man. Is it only for the money? What are your priorities? Would you be okay with the fact that the guy doesn’t give you anything else except for financial security? If you are the emotional, sensitive sorts, who expects a prince charming to give you a fairytale-ish life, true love’s kisses, fight the bad guy for you, and be loyal to you, then trust us girl, most of the rich guys out there are not like that. Honestly, finding them is only half (or perhaps a quarter) of the battle won, the hard part is to put up with them. The following points will explain you what we intend to say.


✦ Get Your Fashion Right

Although Cinderella lived a life of a maid before finding her prince charming, remember that the prince fell in love with her only at the ball, where she looked like a million bucks in her God fairy-made designer gown! What we’re trying to say is that you have to look like a stunning fashionista who knows how to take care of herself. When it comes to A-class men (or any kind of men for that matter), looks are what will attract them to you. Your hairstyle, your skin, your dressing sense, and your high-heels. To make sure all these designer additions do the trick on you perfectly, you also have to make sure that you have a super-hot bod! With rich men having access to the most beautiful women in the world, it is unlikely that they would even consider dating a woman with extra flab around her waist! Your walk, your talk, everything matters! You have to look like a trophy he carries with pride, displaying it around his social gatherings. Though the last sentence may seem very materialistic and insensitive―it’s the bitter truth!

✦ Hang Out At the Right Places

Once you’ve got your looks fixed, you need to show yourself out to these men. You won’t find them strolling at the mall like regular guys. There are select places that you need to target. If you’re thinking of nightclubs, perhaps you’ll be taken as a one-night stand. You need to be more cautious. Hang around at the affluent areas and clubs of the city. Go for art fairs, horse races, polo matches, high-end country clubs, upscale charity events, and similar places that are bound to have the privileged guests. Now, to get into these places, you may need to have a few contacts that can help you with the entry. When it comes to high-end bars, we suggest to keep a time slot of 5-7 in the evening. Take a girlfriend along with you, wear some classy attire (not too flashy) and have a good time. If you manage to display your beauty, confidence, and subtle sensuality with that friendly smile, there are high chances that you might catch a worthy attention, and someone offers to sponsor your drinks!

✦ Let Him Know that You’re Not Just a Pretty Face

Dating A Wealthy Man

If you wish to be more than his arm candy, then your first impression should put it straight across his face that you are among those they call ‘beauty with brains’! Don’t act way too prissy, but make sure you don’t fall all over him way too easily, as well. Be confident, firm, put forth that you have a mind of your own, and you’re not going to drool over him just because he has money. Ask him what he does. Rich men like being a part of the intellectual talk―art, politics, economy, books―these subjects added with your sense of humor would be a bull’s eye when it comes to making an absolute intelligent impression on him. To educate yourself on these subjects, subscribe to a national magazine, and learn the intricacies of these high-end hobbies that rich guys seem to admire. PS: You can’t force yourself into it, do it with genuine interest.

✦ No Money Talks Please!

If everything you do and say eventually leads to ‘money’, darling you are surely going to be treated like a gold digger. If you’re hot, the guy might just take you out to some expensive places, sleep with you until he’s bored, and then forget that you even existed. If you don’t want that to happen, don’t do or say anything that makes him suspicious of your intentions. If he tries to show off initially, tells you about his property, his collection of cars, his ‘I-don’t-give-a-damn-about-money’ talks, don’t widen your eyes that show pure greed, as if you’ve hit a jackpot! Try to change the topic, rather ask him about his hobbies, his friends, his passion. Show that you’re least bothered about his wealth, and you’re more interested in the kind of person he is.

✦ Do Something Special for Him

By this, we don’t mean that you reciprocate and take him to yet another expensive restaurant or pub. These are the things that he’s had enough of already! Make things a little different. Perhaps once in a while you can cook his favorite dish for him, and invite him to your place for some ‘homely’ candlelight dinner. Men love home-cooked food. It’s refreshing for them. With you making it for him, he will definitely appreciate the effort. Also, instead of spending time at high-end places all the time, take him away for a long drive in the outskirts, spend some peaceful time away from society, perhaps next to a beach or lake. Go fishing, kayaking, or any of his hobbies; anything that makes you spend some quality time together, without the factors such as money, class, and luxury being a part of it.

✦ Fill the Emptiness in His Life

No matter how rich a man is, there will be something that makes him feel empty. It could be anything―a forced profession, lack of true friends, the need to be appreciated as a person (not as a rich person), the need of someone he could confide in, or perhaps someone who motivates him to achieve his goals, supports him, adds meaning to his life. Normally, it takes a lot of time for a relationship to grow to such a level. You can’t force it, it’ll happen naturally, and only with time. Try to be an understanding friend, a trustworthy confidant, and if given a chance, try to be that missing piece in his life, with which he feels complete. This happens to be a very deep point; don’t try to force it. For instance, just because he once said that he wants to quit smoking, don’t act like a policeman trying to control his life. Affluent men don’t like to be controlled, they just want someone to whisper into their ears, “Sweetheart, I’m there with you”.

✦ Get Along With His Circle

If you wish to get the key to his castle, then it is very important for you to get along with his friends and the socialites he hangs out with. If things go well at this level, there might be a possibility that he’ll introduce his family to you eventually. For this, you’ll have to have a warm and welcoming demeanor. At first, when you’re not sure what his circle is like, just try to keep a low profile. Smile often, laugh at the jokes that are shared in the group (even if you don’t get them); guys love that, it makes them feel that their sense of humor is being appreciated. Be very confident and answer whatever is asked to you, firmly. After you have gauged the kind of talks that happen in these gatherings, try to educate yourself on those subjects so that eventually you not only participate in their conversations, but also initiate a good one yourself.

✦ Don’t Be Too Possessive or Demanding

There are many advantages of being rich, especially when it comes to men. They are free to do whatever the heck they want to do! The thing is that they are already busy keeping up with the demands that come along with being affluent―the business meetings, traveling, socializing, events! Keeping all this in mind, if you expect him to do things a regular boyfriend would do, like remember the important dates, be there with you if you’re feeling low or if you wish to meet him, call you every day, send you flowers without any reason, then sweetheart, that might not really happen with this guy! To save yourself from a heartache, it is best to not have any such expectations from this guy. If he comes late for dates, doesn’t call you when he said he will, doesn’t remember your birthday, don’t be shocked. On the other hand, if he does these things for you―you lucky girl!

Dating is a complicated game in itself, and if the guy is way too rich, there are additional complications involved. The complication of him not able to give you enough time, his constant traveling, the constant fear that he might get bored of you, or maybe he’s found someone else to spend time with, as there is no scarcity of girls who will be ready to fall all over him because of his wealth. Wealth also brings the additional attitude and arrogance in most men, so be ready to deal with all this beforehand. If you’re thinking on the lines of ‘love changes people for good’ or ‘you have what it takes to make him glued to your magic’, then darlings, it’s time to pop the bubble and come to reality. Mr. Rich could either be ‘Scrooge’ or ‘Prince Charming’. Although, we would wish you all the luck to have a happily ever after with your prince charming!